Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 1 - 35 of 56
kangaroo 袋鼠 dài shǔ
keel 龙骨 lóng gǔ
keen more translation mǐn
keep more translation cún
ken 眼界 yǎn jiè
kennel 狗屋 gǒu wū
kerchief 头巾 more translation tóu jīn
kernel 颗粒 kē lì
kerosene 煤油 méi yóu
ketchup 番茄酱 fān qié jiàng
ketone tóng
kettle more translation
key 关键 more translation guān jiàn
keyboard 键盘 jiàn pán
keyword 关键词 more translation guān jiàn cí
khan 可汗 kè hán
kick more translation chuài
kidnap 绑架 more translation bǎng jià
kidney more translation shèn
kill 打死 more translation dǎ sǐ
kimono 和服 hé fú
kin 亲属 qīn shǔ
kind 仁慈 more translation rén cí
kindergarten 幼儿园 more translation yòu ér yuán
kindle 燃烧 rán shāo
kindred 亲属 qīn shǔ
king more translation
kingdom 王国 wáng guó
kingfisher fěi
kinky yín
kiss 接吻 more translation jiē wěn
kitchen more translation chú
kite 风筝 more translation fēng zhēng
kitten 猫儿 more translation māo ér
kitty 猫咪 māo mī

Word of the day:
barge · 驳船

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