Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 141 - 175 of 983
seacoast 海岸 hǎi àn
seafood 海鲜 hǎi xiān
seal more translation zhāng
seam more translation fèng
seaman 水手 shuǐ shǒu
search 搜查 more translation sōu chá
searchlight 探照灯 tàn zhào dēng
seaside 海边 hǎi biān
season more translation jǐn
seat more translation zuò
seaweed 海澡 more translation hǎi zǎo
sec 安全与交换委员会 ān quán yǔ jiāo huàn wěi yuán huì
second more translation cuì
second hand 中间人 zhōng jiān rén
secondary more translation
secondhand 二手货 èr shǒu huò
secrecy 保密性 bǎo mì xìng
secret more translation
secretary 书记 more translation shū ji
secrete more translation
sect more translation zōng
section more translation
secular 世俗 shì sú
secure 牢固 more translation láo gù
sedan léi
sediment 沉积 more translation chén jī
seduce 勾引 gōu yǐn
seductive 妖媚 yāo mèi
see more translation gòu
seed more translation zhǒng
seedling 秧苗 more translation yāng miáo
seek 访 more translation fǎng
seem more translation xiàng
seepage 渗漏 shèn lòu
seethe 起泡沫 qǐ pào mò

Word of the day:
fantastic · 奇妙

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