Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 36 - 70 of 983
sanction 核准 hé zhǔn
sanctity 尊严 zūn yán
sand more translation shā
sandal 凉鞋 liáng xié
sandalwood 檀香木 more translation tán xiāng mù
sandstone more translation
sandwich 三明治 sān míng zhì
sane 头脑清楚 tóu nǎo qīng chǔ
sap 服务广告协议 fú wù guǎng gào xié yì
sapphire 蓝宝石 lán bǎo shí
sardine 沙丁鱼 shā dīng yú
sash more translation tāo
satan 撒但 more translation sā dàn
satellite xīng
satin more translation duàn
satire 讽刺 fèng cì
satisfactory 顺心 more translation shùn xīn
satisfy chōng
saturday 星期六 more translation xīng qī liù
satyr 色狼 sè láng
sauce 调味汁 tiáo wèi zhī
saucepan 平底锅 píng dǐ guō
saucy 俏皮 qiào pí
sausage more translation jué
saute chǎo
savage more translation cán
save 节约 more translation jié yuē
saw 锯开 jū kāi
sax 萨克斯 sà kè sī
saxophone 萨克斯 sà kè sī
scab more translation
scabbard more translation xiá
scald 烫伤 tàng shāng
scale more translation dēng

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