Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 141 - 172 of 172
ouch 哎哟 āi yōu
ought more translation dàng
ounce more translation liǎng
ourselves 我们 more translation wǒ men
out 外头 wài tou
outcome 结果 more translation jié guǒ
outfit 旅行装备 lǚ xíng zhuāng bèi
outlaw 取缔 more translation qǔ dì
outline 概论 more translation gài lún
outrageous 不像话 bù xiàng huà
outside 表面 more translation biǎo miàn
outstanding more translation zhù
oval 椭圆形 tuǒ yuán xíng
ovary 卵巢 more translation luǎn cháo
oven 炉子 more translation lú zi
over 以上 more translation yǐ shàng
overflow more translation cén
overhang 悬垂 xuán chuí
overlook 俯视 fǔ shì
overnight 通宵 tōng xiāo
overpower 压倒 yā dǎo
overtake more translation chāo
overthrow more translation huī
overture 序曲 xù qǔ
ow 哎哟 āi yōu
owe more translation qiàn
owl more translation xiāo
own 自己 zì jǐ
ox more translation niú
oxidant 氧化剂 yǎng huà jì
oxygen yǎng
oyster more translation é

Word of the day:
forty · 四十

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.