Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 106 - 140 of 172
or more translation huò
oracle 神谕 shén yù
oral 口头 kǒu tóu
orange chéng
orangutan 人猿 more translation rén yuán
orbit 轨迹 more translation guǐ jì
orchard more translation
orchestra 管弦乐团 more translation guǎn xián yuè tuán
orchid more translation lán
ordain 命运注定 mìng yùn zhù dìng
order more translation
orderly more translation chǔ
ordinance 法令 more translation fǎ lìng
ordinary 便 more translation pián
ore more translation kuàng
organ 机关 jī guān
organic 有机 yǒu jī
organization 团体 more translation tuán tǐ
orgasm 性高潮 more translation xìng gāo cháo
origin more translation běn
original 道地 more translation dào dì
originate more translation zhào
oriole more translation cāng
ornament more translation láng
ornamentation 装饰物 zhuāng shì wù
orphan 孤儿 gū ér
orthodox 正统 zhèng tǒng
oscilloscope 示波器 shì bō qì
osmium é
osprey more translation è
osteoporosis 骨质疏松症 gǔ zhí shū sōng zhèng
ostrich more translation tuó
other 另外 more translation lìng wài
otherwise 否则 more translation fǒu zé

Word of the day:
through · 通过

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.