Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 176 - 210 of 417
mention 提到 more translation tí dào
menu 小册子 more translation xiǎo cè zi
mercenary 受雇 shòu gù
merchandise 货物 more translation huò wù
merciful 仁慈 more translation rén cí
mercury more translation gǒng
mercy 慈悲 cí bēi
merge 并吞 more translation bìng tūn
meridian 子午线 zǐ wǔ xiàn
merit more translation xūn
meritorious 功劳 gōng láo
merlin 梅林 Méi lín
mermaid 美人鱼 měi rén yú
merriment 欢乐 huān lè
merry more translation
mesa 台地 tái dì
mescaline 麦司卡林 mài sī kǎ lín
mesh 网孔 wǎng kǒng
meson 介子 jiè zǐ
mess 杂乱 zá luàn
message 信息 more translation xìn xī
messenger 传递者 more translation chuán dì zhě
messy 散乱 sǎn luàn
metal more translation jīn
metalloid 类金属 lèi jīn shǔ
metamorphism 变质 biàn zhì
metamorphosis 变态 biàn tài
metaphor 比拟 more translation bǐ nǐ
meteor more translation yǔn
meteorite 陨星 yǔn xīng
meteorology 气象 more translation qì xiàng
meter 仪表 more translation yí biǎo
methanol 甲醇 jiǎ chún
method more translation dào

Word of the day:
bewail · 哀叹

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