Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 106 - 140 of 417
mat more translation diàn
match 对手 more translation duì shǒu
mate more translation ǒu
material 材料 more translation cái liào
maternal 母系 mǔ xì
mathematic 数学 shù xué
mathematician 数学家 shù xué jiā
mathematics 数学 shù xué
matrimony 婚姻 hūn yīn
matrix 模型 mó xíng
matron more translation
matter more translation shì
mattress 床垫 more translation chuáng diàn
mature 成熟 more translation chéng shú
mausoleum 陵墓 líng mù
maxim 格言 gé yán
maximum 最多 more translation zuì duō
may more translation
maybe 不一定 more translation bù yī dìng
mayonnaise 美乃滋酱 měi nǎi zī jiàng
mayor 市长 shì zhǎng
maze 迷阵 mí zhèn
me more translation
mead 蜂蜜酒 fēng mì jiǔ
meadow 草地 cǎo dì
meager 清瘦 more translation qīng shòu
meal more translation dùn
mean more translation
meanwhile 与此同时 more translation yǔ cǐ tóng shí
measle 麻疹 má zhěn
measure 步骤 more translation bù zhòu
meat more translation ròu
mechanic 技工 jì gōng
mechanical 机械 jī xiè
mechanism 机关 more translation jī guān

Word of the day:
headache · 头疼

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