Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 176 - 210 of 255
lithology 岩石学 yán shí xué
lithosphere 岩石圈 yán shí quān
little more translation shǎo
liver more translation gān
livestock chù
lizard 蜥蜴 xī yì
load 负荷 more translation fù hé
loaf 一块面 yī kuài miàn
loam 粘土 more translation nián tǔ
loan more translation dài
loath 厌恶 yàn wù
loathe 鄙弃 more translation bǐ qì
lobby 大堂 more translation dà táng
lobster 龙虾 lóng xiā
local 本地 more translation běn dì
lock more translation liǔ
locomotive 火车头 more translation huǒ chē tóu
locus 轨迹 guǐ jì
locust more translation huáng
lodge 小屋 xiǎo wū
loft 阁楼 more translation gé lóu
lofty more translation wěi
log 木头 more translation mù tou
logarithm 对数 duì shù
logic more translation
loin 腰肉 yāo ròu
lollipop 棒糖 bàng táng
lone more translation
lonesome more translation liáo
longevity jiǎ
longitude 经度 jīng dù
look 面目 more translation miàn mù
lookout more translation āi
loom 织布机 zhī bù jī
loop more translation huán

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