Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 106 - 140 of 255
lenient more translation kuān
lens 晶状体 jīng zhuàng tǐ
leopard more translation bào
less 较少 jiào shǎo
lesson more translation
let tīng
letter more translation shū
lettuce 生菜 shēng cài
leukemia 白血病 more translation bái xuè bìng
levee 堤防 dī fáng
level more translation píng
lever 槓杆 gàng gǎn
levy 徵收 zhēng shōu
lewd more translation yín
lewis 刘易斯 Liú yì sī
liable 有责任 yǒu zé rèn
liar 说谎者 shuō huǎng zhē
libation diàn
libel 丑化 more translation chǒu huà
liberal 慷慨 more translation kāng kǎi
liberate 解脱 jiě tuō
liberty 自由 zì yóu
librarian 图书馆馆员 more translation tú shū guǎn guǎn yuán
library 图书馆 tú shū guǎn
license 许可协议 more translation xǔ kě xié yì
licentious 淫荡 more translation yín dàng
lichen 地衣 more translation dì yī
lick tiǎn
lid more translation gài
lie 谎话 more translation huǎng huà
lieutenant 陆军中尉 lù jūn zhōng wèi
life more translation shì
lifelike 逼真 more translation bī zhēn
lifelong 终身 zhōng shēn

Word of the day:
trident · 三叉戟

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