Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 141 - 175 of 309
herein 在此处 zài cǐ chù
heresy 妖言 more translation yāo yán
heritage 遗产 yí chǎn
hero more translation jié
heroic 豪迈 more translation háo mài
heroin 白面儿 more translation bái miàn er
heroine 女英雄 nǚ yīng xióng
heron 苍鹭 more translation cāng lù
herself 她自己 tā zì jǐ
hertz 赫兹 hè zī
hesitant chí
hesitate more translation chóu
heterogeneous 驳杂 more translation bó zá
heterosexual 异性 yì xìng
hew 砍伐 kǎn fá
hexadecimal 十六进制 shí liù jìn zhì
hexagon 六边形 liù biān xíng
hey more translation āi
hibernate zhé
hickory 山胡桃木 shān hú táo mù
hidalgo 伊达尔戈 Yī dá ěr gē
hidden more translation àn
hide 暗藏 more translation àn cáng
hideous 可怕 more translation kě pà
hierarchy 等级制度 more translation děng jí zhì dù
high more translation kuí
highest more translation tài
highland 高地 gāo dì
highway more translation chòng
hike 远足 yuǎn zú
hilarity 狂欢 kuáng huān
hill more translation líng
hillside more translation bǎn
hilltop 山顶 shān dǐng
hilly 岿 kuī

Word of the day:
cartographic · 制图

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