Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 71 - 105 of 309
haze 薄雾 more translation bó wù
hazy more translation ài
he more translation
head more translation cháng
headache 头疼 more translation tóu téng
headlight 车前灯 chē qián dēng
headline 标题 more translation biāo tí
headquarters 队部 duì bù
headstrong 任性 rèn xìng
heal more translation
health 健康 more translation jiàn kāng
healthy jiàn
heap duī
hear more translation líng
hearken 听从 tīng cóng
hearsay 传言 chuán yán
hearse 殡车 more translation bìn chē
heart 怀 more translation huái
heartfelt 衷心 zhōng xīn
hearth 炉床 lú chuáng
hearty 诚恳 chéng kěn
heat more translation ruò
heater 暖气 more translation nuǎn qì
heath 石南树 shí nán shù
heathen 异教徒 yì jiào tú
heave 波荡 more translation bō dàng
heaven more translation mín
heavy more translation chóng
hedge 不置可否 more translation bù zhì kě fǒu
hedgehog wèi
heed 听从 tīng cóng
heel more translation gēn
hegemony 霸权 more translation bà quán

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sect · 宗派

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.