Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 71 - 105 of 135
vibrate 震撼 zhèn hàn
vice 恶心 è xīn
vicinity 邻近 lín jìn
vicious 邪恶 more translation xié è
victim 被害人 more translation bèi hài rén
victor 获胜者 more translation huò shèng zhě
victorious more translation shēng
victory more translation jié
video 动态影像 more translation dòng tài yǐng xiàng
view more translation zhān
viewpoint 主张 more translation zhǔ zhāng
vigilant 警惕 jǐng tì
vigorous 活跃 more translation huó yuè
vile 恶劣 è liè
vilify more translation
villa 别墅 more translation bié shù
village more translation xiāng
villain 恶棍 è gùn
vindicate 表白 biǎo bái
vine 藤蔓 téng mán
vineyard 葡萄园 pú tao yuán
violate 侵犯 qīn fàn
violent more translation měng
violet 紫色 more translation zǐ sè
violin 小提琴 xiǎo tí qín
virgin 处女 chǔ nǚ
virtual 虚拟 xū nǐ
virtue more translation
virtuous more translation
virus 细菌 more translation xì jūn
visa 签证 qiān zhèng
viscera zàng
viscosity 粘性 more translation nián xìng
visible 可见 more translation kě jiàn

Word of the day:
mysterious · 神秘

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