Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 71 - 85 of 85
us 我们 wǒ men
usable 使得 shǐ de
usage 用法 yòng fǎ
use 用途 yòng tú
useful 顶事 more translation dǐng shì
useless more translation
usher 招待员 zhāo dài yuán
usual 寻常 more translation xún cháng
usurp more translation móu
utensil 用具 more translation yòng jù
utility 公益事业 gōng yí shì yè
utmost more translation
utopia 乌托邦 wū tuō bāng
utter 说出 shuō chū
utterance 发言 fā yán

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