Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 106 - 140 of 153
noose huán
nor 也不 yě bù
norm 标准 more translation biāo zhǔn
normal 对头 more translation duì tou
north more translation běi
northeast 东北 more translation dōng běi
northeastern 东北方 dōng běi fāng
northward 向北地 xiàng běi dì
northwest 西北 more translation xī běi
northwestern 西北方 xī běi fāng
nose more translation
nostril 鼻孔 bí kǒng
not more translation
notch 刻痕 kè hén
note more translation dēng
notebook 本子 more translation běn zi
noteworthy 值得注意 zhí de zhù yì
nothing more translation miè
notice 布告 more translation bù gào
notify more translation
notion 观念 guān niàn
notorious 恶名昭彰 è míng zhāo zhāng
noun 名词 míng cí
nourish more translation
novel 小说 more translation xiǎo shuō
novice 心手 xīn shǒu
now more translation xiàn
nowadays 当今 more translation dāng jīn
nowhere 无处 wú chù
nowise 一点也不 yī diǎn yě bù
nozzle 喷头 pēn tóu
nuclear more translation
nucleotide 核苷 more translation hé gān
nucleus 核心 more translation hé xīn
nuclide 核素 hé sù

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