Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 36 - 56 of 56
kleenex 薄纸 bó zhǐ
knack mén
knapsack 背包 bēi bāo
knead 搓揉 more translation cuō róu
knee more translation
kneecap more translation bìn
kneel more translation guì
knife more translation dāo
knight 大侠 more translation dà xiá
knit 编织 biān zhī
knob 把手 bǎ shǒu
knock more translation què
knoll 小丘 xiǎo qiū
knot more translation jiē
knotty 伤脑筋 shāng nǎo jīn
know 认得 more translation rèn de
knowledge more translation
known 表明 biǎo míng
knuckle 指关节 zhī guān jié
Korea more translation
korean hán

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