Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 36 - 56 of 56
joyous more translation yóu
judge 判定 more translation pàn dìng
judicial 司法 sī fǎ
judicious 恰如其份 more translation qià rú qí fèn
jug 细颈瓶 xì jǐng píng
juggle 变戏法 biàn xì fǎ
juice more translation zhī
juicy 多水分 duō shuǐ fèn
jujube 果味胶糖 more translation guǒ wèi jiāo táng
jump more translation tiào
jumpy 神经过敏 shén jīng guò mǐn
juncture 关头 guān tóu
jungle 丛林 more translation cóng lín
junior more translation chū
juniper 刺柏 cì bó
jurisdiction 司法权 sī fǎ quán
jury 陪审团 péi shěn tuán
just more translation cái
justice more translation
justify 辩解 biàn jiě
juvenile 少年 shào nián

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