Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 176 - 210 of 383
diameter more translation jìng
diamond 金刚 more translation jīn gāng
diaper jiè
diary 日记 rì jì
diatom 矽藻 xī zǎo
dice more translation
die more translation shì
diet 国会 more translation guó huì
differ 不一 more translation bù yī
different 不同 more translation bù tóng
differential 差速器 chā sù qì
differentiate 辨别 biàn bié
difficult more translation bié
difficulty more translation nán
digest 消化 xiāo huà
digit 数字 more translation shù zì
digital 数码 more translation shù mǎ
dignify 使高贵 shǐ gāo guì
dilate 使膨胀 shǐ péng zhàng
dilemma 进退两难 jìn tuì liǎng nán
diligent 孜孜 more translation zī zī
dilution 摊薄 tān bó
dim 暗淡 more translation àn dàn
dime 一角银币 yī jiǎo yín bì
dimension 尺寸 more translation chǐ cun
diminish cái
diminutive 爱称 ài chēng
dimple 酒窝 more translation jiǔ wō
dine 用膳 yòng shàn
dinner 晚餐 wǎn cān
dinosaur 恐龙 kǒng lóng
diode 二极管 èr jí guǎn
dip 浸一下 jìn yī xià

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