Translation of “maintain” in Chinese

7 translation entries available
English maintain
Type verb
Simplified 维护
Traditional 維護
Pronunciation wéi hù
Definition defense; safeguard; protect; uphold; maintain
English maintain
Type verb
Pronunciation chí
Definition to grasp; to hold; support; manage; direct; maintain
English maintain
Type verb
Pronunciation bǐng
Definition (surname); to grasp; hold; maintain
English maintain
Type verb
Simplified 安定
Traditional 安定
Pronunciation ān dìng
Definition stable; quiet; settled; stabilize; maintain; stabilized; calm and orderly
English maintain
Type verb
Simplified 保留
Traditional 保留
Pronunciation bǎo liú
Definition continue to have; retain; hold back; reserve; reservations; hold back (approval or acceptance); to preserve; maintain
English maintain
Type verb
Simplified 保全
Traditional 保全
Pronunciation bǎo quán
Definition save from damage; preserve; maintain; keep in good repair
English maintain
Type verb
Simplified 赡养
Traditional 贍養
Pronunciation shàn yǎng
Definition support; provide support for; maintain

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